Help with 2% of your tax!

Give 2% of your tax to charity! Support the Hungrians youth through the Hungarian Scout Association in Slovakia, the regular educational work fwe do with them, our regional and national events, and the adventure of scouting for more people!

This zear, the lwas also gives you the opportuinty to help an NGO of your choice with  2% of the tax you already paid. Donating involves some paperworks, but we have tried to make it as easy as possible eith the following descirption and attachments.

There are 4 categories of taxpayers who can donate more than 2% of their taxed amount:

  • employees
  • those who preprare their own tax return
  • legal persons
  • emplozees who have performed volunty work for an organistion.


What do you have to do?

If you are an employee:

  1. Ask your employer as soon as possible to prepare yopur annual tax return and fill in the "Potvrdenie o zaplatení dane zo závislej činnosti"
  2. Fill in the document "Vyhlásenie o poukázaní podielu zaplatenej dane z príjmov fyzickej osoby" with the data of the association (see below)
  3. Send these completed forms fot the % pledge to the tax office of your place of residence by the deadline.


If you prepare your tax return independently (as a natural person):

  1. Fill in the section "Vyhlásenie" in the tax return from for the tax % donation with the association´s data (see below)
  2. Return the completed tax return to the tax office of your place of residence by the deadline
  3. A natural person maz onlz give 2% of his/her tax 1 beneficiary, with a minimum tax credit of €3. 


If you are a legal person:

  1. Fill in the section "Vyhlásenie" in the tax return from for the tax % donation with the association's data (see below)
  2. Return the completed tax return to the tax office of your place of residence by the deadline


If you have volunteered at least 40 hours in 2023:

Give 3%!
If you have volunteered at least 40 hours in 2023, you have more than 3% of your tax. You are doing as descibed above, but you are onliy adding one (or more) certicate(s) to your tax return:

  • either you need a certificate from the sending organization (if you are sending someone to do voluntarz work, e.g. abroad, or e.g. your municipality or organiyation is "sending" you to pick up trash in the community's boundaries)
  • or you need a certificate from the host organization - the one did you the volunteer work for (this can include work with children).


The required min. 40 hours (it can be more) could be done at more than one organiyation or institution, then you must have a certificate from each of them about the volunteering done ther(e.g. the municipality gives you a certificate for a total of 26 hours - picking up garbage, organiying children's day and Santa Claus celebrations; the school gives a certificate for 20 hours - e.g. leading a club once a month), that is 46 hours. If you attach both certificates, you can claim 3% instead of 2%.

Association´s data:
IČO/SID: 17641896
Právna forma: Občianske združenie
Obchodné meno: Szlovákiai Magyar Cserkészszövetség - Zväz skautov maďarskej národnosti
Sídlo: 92901 Dunajská Streda, Námestie Sv. Štefana 296/6.


Thank ypu for your support!